Monday, August 2, 2010

first assignment -- from Amanda

These are the first pics I took -- playing with Amanda's 85 mm lens at f 2.8 -- just to see what I could do... prior to any knowledge of WHY, WHAT, HOW, etc.

Waddaya think? Let me know.



they look great! the reason they are dark is because the camera is exposing for that bright sky in the background. If you want the foreground to be better exposed you need to allow the shutter to let MORE light in by telling it to OVER expose. I'll show you how to do that :) the other thing you can do is use flash, but that's a whole nother ball game :)


love that word "nother" ... it amuses me in conversation but really amuses me in writing... don't think I've ever seen it before.

would that work by just using a faster shutter speed or is it something different?

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